Flowers of Hope, a poem by Sydelle Pearl
The zinnias I planted years ago
That grew so tall,
I plant again in my mind.
How they danced in the breeze and cheered me
Their bright pink, orange, and yellow petals
Basking in the sunlight.
I gave them away to friends,
One by one in a jelly jar
With a poem I taped to the glass.
“Hope is the thing with feathers”
I have planted Emily’s words in my heart.
Three weeks ago, I planted marigolds
In flowerpots that sit on the retaining wall
Outside of this house that I love.
During this time of relentless sickness, suffering, and mourning
During this time of smoldering
During this time of no justice, no peace,
The little green leaves beckon to me and speak of hope.
I replant my zinnias in my mind
And as they grow,
I imagine giving them away
In stainless steel pots that cannot be broken.
The time for giving away Flowers of Hope
In jars of glass
Has passed.
Sydelle Pearl is the award-winning author of Elijah’s Tears: Stories for the Jewish Holidays and other books.
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