Submit Your Work!
In celebration of the high holidays and in commemoration of the 10/27 synagogue shooting at Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha, Dor Hadash, and New Light, JFCS is holding community-wide activities to encourage connection and to create hope.
This year, instead of inviting people to our building to make blankets or stuff backpacks like we did last year, JFCS is hosting an online gallery of our community’s creations. We’re asking for submissions of anything people feel which renews their hope in a better future.
Maybe you’ll submit a photo of the rock you painted, or a video of you singing or reciting a poem you wrote, or even a smiling photo collage of happy challah bakers! We want to demonstrate new and lovely hope arising out of the despair of the past few years and put it online for everyone to view.
In addition to the community gallery, we will be hosting multiple creative workshops, designed to help artists and makers get inspired and work together to build something. We’re inviting the community to come together and create! Isolation and despair are rampant—we want to overcome them with connection and the creation of hope! Let’s knit together all the pain and fear and use it to make something hope-filled and encouraging.

Submit Your Own Work!
Send in your artwork, photography, craft, song, poem, spoken word, recipe, or other creative endeavor by emailing create@jfcspgh.org. Questions? Contact us!